Literature — fiction and nonfiction – is a readymade catalyst for action. These titles cover a range of themes, including being engaged in our communities to do good and most importantly, connecting with each other. Through these interactions, we nourish ourselves all the more and remember that by turning ideas into action, our communities can thrive.

Challenging Times, Challenging News ~ This category emerged in response to the Los Angeles fires which started on January 7, 2025.
The Breaking News written and illustrated by Sarah Lynne Reul, Roaring Brook, 2018. An important story about a community hit by bad news that upsets all the adults. What a young girl learns from watching her parents struggle with the news is that all of us can do our part through acts of kindness. Small actions add up and aide us in moving forward.
Simone by Viet Thanh Nguyen, art by Minnie Phan, Minerva Books, 2024. When a wildfire requires Simone and her mom to vacate their home and stay in a shelter, she meets other families also facing uncertainty. Her mother shares her own story of surviving a flood in Vietnam which provides comfort to Simone. By honoring the firefighters and other helpers, and being kind to everyone at the shelter, a community is formed. Simone is fortunate to return to her home. We are reminded this is not true for everyone so we can learn how ongoing actions can provide relief and support.
Understanding Immigration
Any Small Goodness, a novel of the barrio by Tony Johnston. Scholastic, 2001. Moving from Mexico to Los Angeles with a little English in his pocket, eleven-year old Arturo Rodriguez struggles to make sense of his world. As his father says, “In life there is bueno and malo. If you do not find enough good, you must yourself create it.” Arturo’s journey includes reclaiming his heritage, valuing this teachers and mentors, rescuing the family cat, and living “where what you love is always at risk.” His “retaliation” is heartwarming. A glossary translates the Spanish vocabulary used. 128 pp., grades 4-6 and everyone. Contact Cathy (email below) for a curriculum she wrote for this book.
Areli is a Dreamer by Areli Morales, illustrations by Luisa Uribe, Random House, 2021. Born in Mexico City and raised in New York City, Areli appreciated the opportunity despite the challenges for her and her family When the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program was enacted by President Obama, she believed she would finally be safe. Follow Areli as she describes her journey and how she dreams of being a teacher one day in America.
Drawn Across Borders: True Stories of Human Migration by George Butler, Candlewick Studio, 2021. Traveling to twelve countries over ten years, George Butler chronicles the people he meets through story and art. These unique histories offer a “view of the world” that we otherwise could miss.
Until Someone Listens – A Story about Borers, Family, and One Girl’s Mission by Estela Juarez with Lisete Noman, illustrated by Teresa Martínez. Roaring Brook Press, 2022. When Estela was eight, her mother “had to go back to the other side of the river, because she wasn’t born in this country.” Estela held firm in her belief that “families should end up how they started. Together.” She read, she wrote, she spoke. Estela also was asked to make a video for the Democratic National Convention when Joe Biden ran for president.
Take Action, Now!
More than Enough – inspired by Maimonides’s Golden Ladder of Giving by Richard Michelson, illustrated by Joe Cepeda. Peachtree, 2025. Moses isn’t quite sure why his parents give money to others in the community. They whisper to him, “As little as we have, sometimes others need it more.” As he sees people change when given a hand up, he comes to know that it “feels better to help than to need help.” This book has a “pass it on” message, and the idea of tzedakah, or “charity” in Hebrew is an act of “justice and fairness and righteousness all rolled into one; it is a sacred and ethical obligation.”
The Circles All Around Us by Bad Montague, illustrations by Brad and Kristi Montague. Dial Books, 2021. Start with a circle just around you. Then add family, friends, and community. As we expand our circle, “there’s a difference we can make and a love that we can show.” Even though “it feels slightly uncomfortable (to include people who are different in all they do), we draw a bigger circle for them too!”
The Complete Guide to Service Learning by Cathryn Berger Kaye. Free Spirit Publishing, 2010. If you want to know how to engage youth from kindergarten through high school in transforming ideas into action, this is your how-to book. Comprehensive, with a section on how to make it happen, themes to take action about, and creating a culture of service. A supplementary digital resource adds 280 more pages of content. Dive in! Nonfiction education, community and family resource.
Good Food, Bad Waste – Let’s Eat for the Planet by Erin Silver, illustrated by Suharu Ogawa. Orca Book Publishers, 2023. Why is there so much food waste in our homes? See page eight of this fact-filled must-have book to guide all of us in ending the ENORMOUS amount of food wasted daily. And you definitely want to read about Gigi, a teen food activist in Oaxaca, Jaime who began trading trees in Zacatecas, Kay who is a food-waste hero and rancher in Denver, and composting and sustainability in at an elementary school in Kansas. 96pps. Useful for all ages, reading for grades 4 and UP.
Old Enough to Save the Planet by Loll Kirby, illustrated by Adelina Lirius. Magic Cat Publishing, 2020.Do Something for Someone Else, written by Loll Kirby, illustrated by Yas Imamura, Magic Cat Publishing, 2021. Old Enough to Make a Difference by Rachel Hui, illustrated by Anneli Bray. Magic Cat Publishing, 2022. Need convincing that young people are changemakers? In each of these books, twelve children are featured from around the globe who are being the change in their communities. Maya is fighting fast fashion, Vincent reduced food waste, Eunita’s community garden promotes pollination, Chaeli campaigns for disability access. Each page has inspiration, ideas, facts, and includes tips to build a more sustainable world.
Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman. Joanna Cotler Book, 2002. According to the author, this is the first point of view novel. Each chapter tells a progressive story from a different thirteen very different voices. It starts with Kim who clears a space in a vacant, garbage-filled lot, to plant seeds to honor her deceased father. And then Wendell, a school janitor who shows Ana how to care for the seeds. Through community voices we hear how young and old from diverse backgrounds create a garden. 101 pp., grades 6+. Contact Cathy (email below) for a curriculum she wrote for this book.
The Wartville Wizard by Don Madden, Aladdin, 1986. A man turns “wizard” to eliminate litter by making litter stick to the people who discarded it improperly! A memorable and comical tale of how people learn about the consequences of their actions. Easily adapted to an amusing play with an important message. This book turns every day into Earth Day!
Becoming Who We Are – Real Stories about Growing Up Trans by edited by Sammy Lisel and Hazel Newlevant and nine different artists. Wave Blue World, 2024. In this exceptional graphic novel, nine people share their unique pathway to becoming themselves. These stories capture the struggles, persistence and determination to be authentic in the world. Truly inspiring. 144 pp., grades 6+
Girls on the Rise by Amanda Gorman, illustrated by Loveis Wise. Viking, 2025. “We are girls as never before, speaking out more and more.” Amanda brings her kind wisdom and inclusiveness to give voice to girls who may still be finding their own. “But here’s the thing: When one girl stands up, She is never alone.”
Books Worth Reading
My Life as a Book by Janet Tashjian, cartoons by Jake Tashjian. Henry Holt, 2010. Derek wants to enjoy summer and escape from the diabolical summer reading list. What he reads is a newspaper article about a mysterious drowning that involved him when he was two. As he solves the mystery to understand what really happened, Derek discovers that reading heightens his imagination, that monkeys can be aides to humans who need assistance, that a girl in his grade could be a friend, and that he might never get a pet monkey himself (or he might). He also illustrated vocabulary words throughout the book to demystify reading. Action, humor, a heartfelt resolution, and plenty of drawings from the author’s son. 211 pp., grades 4-6 and anyone who wants a fabulous read. BONUS! Janet has more titles, and they all involve some form of thoughtful action including, My Life as a Cartoonist and My Life as a Stunt Boy.
The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking by Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird. Princeton Press, 2012. In this compact book, two mathematicians illustrate how we can apply a simple framework with profound results. With compelling stories, action items, and methods you can use, the practical mindsets found here form a useful and memorable guide.
Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., CBK Associates, is an author and international educator. She has been building book lists for decades, finding titles from publishers of all sizes and diverse themes to reach and represent diverse populations. Her books include Word Works: Why the Alphabet is a Kid’s Best Friend to keep the joy of writing alive in children of all ages, and several books to promote social action: The Complete Guide to Service Learning, and two books written with Philippe Cousteau – Make a Splash and Going Blue. Learn more about her work at, and email her at